AMR Automated Meter Reading Interface
Creative Micro Systems provide AMR Automated Meter Reading Interface in Bangalore. Automatic Meter Reading is commonly used meter when utility meters are read without any help of user intervention. An automatic Meter Reading device is a small computer which can be used by meter reader to record the reading from a meter. Those readings are then electronically transferred into our billing software. Our software allows the user to edit readings after importing data from handheld prior to calculation. There are several types of AMR solutions available to make meter reading and billing more accurate, more efficient. AMR Automated Meter Reading Interface prevents a user from manual meter readings and records the readings. The main components of an AMR system include Meter with a communications interface, a Data Collector and a Database. Some of the components are the Meter interface unit, Communication System, Central office system, Web self-service.
AMR Automated Meter Reading Interface in Bangalore
Automatic Meter Reading is commonly used meter when utility meters are read without any help of user intervention. An automatic Meter Reading device is a small computer which can be used by meter reader to automatically read a meter and enter data during an outage. The device sends out radio signals to the utility’s infrastructure and monitors the signal strength as it travels through the system. Once an outage occurs, the power is restored and the device automatically reads and records all of the data from the meter.
The device typically consists of a base station, modem and antenna connected to a computer. It collects data from the meter and logs it into a database. One benefit of using an automated Meter Reading device is that it eliminates human error in reading meters.
Another benefit of using an automated Meter Reading device is that it can significantly reduce labor costs for utilities by eliminating the need for meter readers. In addition, automated Meter Reading devices can help utilities respond more quickly to outages due to their ability to track thermal events such as lightning strikes and cyber attacks on their equipment.
- Automatic collection of data with specified intervals
- Integrating with web self-services as users can view on consumption, billing, etc
- Monitoring of voltage, harmonics, and other power quality characteristics
- On-demand electric meter reading and time of use based meter reading
- Remote services for connection and disconnection
- Features
- Applications
- Specifications
- GPRS or 3G or 4G Models
- Sealing provision for enclosure
- Automatic re-connection
- SIM sealing
- Detects Power on and Power off events
- Pull mode or push mode of data transfer
- Scheduled & on-demand data retrieval
- Transparent mode and non-transparent mode
- Status and data transfer LEDs provided
- Supports DLMS/COSEM Protocol or Propriety Protocol
- Detection of loss in wireless network connectivity
- Power supply: 90 to 470V AC Single phase or Three phase
- RS232 for meter communication interface
- Distribution Transformer & HT Consumer monitoring
- DT / HT / LT monitoring and Windmill and Solar plants
- Remote metering data acquisition
- Substation AMR
- Solar generation monitoring substations
- Wind power generation monitoring

- Antenna: SMA Type Antenna
- SIM Interface: Normal SIM Card with 3V / 1.8 V
- Serial Interface: RS-232 with DB9 Connector for the meter communication